=(V)= ~Sean~ Dr.Sausage is on the NY server a lot. I thought he was a {dFb} member aliasing - haha
Flame Whats Up You Pussys
{dFB}PromETHieus Edited A Massive Shout out to {dFb}eMac for taking time to get the server up and running,please excuse the Multi post I'm on a phone and key board on screen is tiny and my hands are Huge
{dFB}PromETHieus FB}PromETHieus A Massive Shout out to {{dFb}ex for taking time to get the server up and running,
{dFB}PromETHieus A Massive Shout out to {dFb}exactly for taking time to get the server up and running,
PromETHieus UT3 Server now running again Game On
{dFb}eMac UT3 server back up in the UK! http://gametracker.c om/server_info/92.27 .144.123:8888/
MattMan Glad someone plays on the server. As long as someone plays on it i'll keep it up!
Dr.Sausage Love this server. Im here alot...
Dr.Sausage Love this server. Im here alot...
=(V)= ~Sean~ Holy crap ! : Will :) Glad to see you're still with us, man !
{dFb}eMac When the stars align like every 3 months there's people talking on TS. Should rename the clan Always Fuckin' AFK
{dFb}Maximus Always AFK!! :confused: :confused:
flamelord626 cock suckers
Godzilla Yo fuckers wanted to say hi I’ve been playing ut99 on my sons laptop for a few days lol
{dFb}eMac :)